
Jobs Partnership News

Join us at graduation on May 22

LifeWorks participants from across Orange County gather to celebrate their accomplishments at graduation on Monday, May 22 Jobs Partnership invites you to attend this joyful [...]

Hope for future generations

Husband Father Business owner Pastor These are some of LifeWorks graduate Allen Baldwin’s current roles, roles he never dreamed would be part of his life Growing up with his [...]

A ministry of availability

Men and women typically face multiple challenges when they come to Jobs Partnership in search of a better job and a better life We help LifeWorks participants address needs [...]

Career pathways for Evans High School seniors

Kelly Astro says contacting Jobs Partnership president Marc Stanakis is one of the first things she did when she became Evans High School’s community partnership school director [...]

‘I wanted to be part of that world’

LifeWorks graduate Marie Melendez says, “I used to be on the sidelines Now I’m in the game, and I love it” Marie shared her story via video at JP's Faith That Works [...]

The JP team is growing

The JP family gained two new members in September Tony Pitts has joined us as partnership manager, and Brenda Teixeira has accepted the role of philanthropy associate Tony brings [...]

Business Church Community Volunteer