

The Image of God

IMAGE has always been at the center of human experience. From a simple “How do I look?” to the deeper question “Who am I?”, we are always measuring ourselves. History has repeatedly shown that cultures literally rise and fall based on their view of this little word.

In the 20th century alone, a staggering 150 million+ people were murdered by governments that viewed a person’s image as something that is given by man not God. In his famous book, Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler penned these words from his prison cell: “The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker, thus sacrificing his own greatness.” What followed was unspeakable evil.

Conversely, writing from a different prison cell we read the words of Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Now is the time to lift our national policy from the quicksand of racial injustice to the solid rock of human dignity.”

Justice and dignity — two weighty concepts that affirm that our value as human beings comes not by our own making, but rather from our Creator. Thomas Jefferson was right when he stated in the Declaration of Independence “that all men are created equal.” Simply put, equality is given by God, not gained by dominance.

People familiar with the JP LifeWorks program will remember that this truth is taught right from the start in the session on Worldview. Why? Because all of life and work flows from this foundation. In Genesis 1:27 we read,

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (ESV)

Since each of us is made in the image of God, our value cannot be tarnished no matter what life throws at us, no matter what job we have (or don’t have), and no matter what people say about us. Being made in the image of God means that each of us was born with dignity. Translation: Regardless of what you do in life, you already matter to God.

As true as this is, Satan will try to convince you otherwise. He’s a liar, and just like Hitler’s demise, his defeat is coming (Rev 12:12). If you find yourself believing the lies he’s feeding you, then keep reminding yourself of this truth: You matter so much to God that He allowed His own Son to die for you. As Paul tells us, God’s love isn’t just demonstrated with words but also with action.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8)

Today, take a moment to pause and thank Him for these things. And then do it again tomorrow.

Written by: Kent Suter, JP Engagement Manager

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