

The JP team is growing

The JP family gained two new members in September. Tony Pitts has joined us as partnership manager, and Brenda Teixeira has accepted the role of philanthropy associate.

Tony brings decades of experience in relationship development, higher education and coaching to this new role at JP. He will focus on developing current and new church partnerships.

“Tony brings a perspective on discipleship and the church’s role in missions that aligns with what we do at JP,” Director of Partnerships Elliott Drake says. “He understands how churches have the opportunity to partner with us to both disciple their members and make a difference in our community.”

Brenda worked for more than 20 years in Christian publishing – and is a LifeWorks graduate. The publishing company she worked for sold its Spanish-language department, and Brenda’s job was eliminated. “I was really lost,” Brenda says. She learned about JP and LifeWorks at a local job fair and graduated in fall 2021. She received three full-time job offers on the same day last summer – and chose JP’s invitation because she wanted to give back. After two months as JP’s program coordinator, Brenda was invited to join the philanthropy team.

“I thank God for bringing Brenda to JP,” Manager of Philanthropy Dina Hernandez says. “She has the skills – and the personal experience — to share our story.”


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