

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God 

By Chaplain David L. Outing 


What is the kingdom of God, and what is its significance in terms of orthopraxy (the lifestyle of faith in practice)? Much has been said on the topic, and I would like to simplify its meaning and application as it relates to Jobs Partnership (JP). 


Kingdom means “the king’s domain where he rules and is lord over.” To simplify, kingdom applied is anywhere, any person or anything where the centrality of Christ and His lordship is seen, heard and felt. God’s desire is that His kingdom would come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10 “The Lord’s Prayer”). In business as well as ministry, the kingdom of God and His lordship is seen, felt, and heard in the organization’s vision, mission and values. The desired goal by God is for individuals, families, churches, businesses and communities to represent through orthopraxy the King’s domain and His rulership over every aspect of society and culture. The question we each must consider is this: Is my home, workplace, ministry or any place where we have influence an extension of God’s Kingdom?  


When I think of Kingdom influence, JP immediately comes to mind. JP’s mission is to prepare men and women for life and work with biblical (kingdom) principles, with a purpose to serve our neighbors in need of God’s love, divine favor, life-changing opportunities, and connections with kingdom-minded community partners and businesses. In Matthew 13:47, Jesus said that “the kingdom of heaven is like a large net thrown into the sea. It collected every kind of fish.”  


For 25 years, every spring and fall, JP has thrown its net of influence in our community and attracted fish of every kind, which metaphorically means people from every ethnicity, socioeconomic background, education level and life experience. I am so glad to be a part of an organization that for a quarter-century has remained true to its kingdom-centric vision and mission to bring life-changing, career-altering and finance-stabilizing impact to neighbors in our community.  


James, the Lord’s brother, writes in James 2:8, that if we fulfill the royal law prescribed in the Scripture, love your neighbor as yourself, we are doing well. The word royal is the Greek word basilikos, which means “the king’s law that governs all other laws.” When we love our neighbors well, it is the supreme law that affects all other laws that govern us. JP truly embodies the essence of what it means to exemplify the blessings and benefits of God’s kingdom — a kingdom where God’s rulership is seen, felt and heard. That, my friends, is an organization I can ride with until Jesus returns and live with Him forever in His kingdom. 


Longtime Jobs Partnership friend David Outing is chief encouragement officer of Corporate Care Partners, which brings chaplaincy services to for-profit and nonprofit organizations – including JP. 

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